5 Tips for an Eco-Friendly 2022

New year, new me? Are people still talking about new year’s resolutions? This may still come in time for that, but instead of resolutions, we think it’s better to make a plan and to put it into action. How many times have we all said we want to eat better, be more active, or maybe more eco-conscious? Did that go accordingly? 

This year, we want to propose to you a more sustainable lifestyle. When putting it like this, it may sound a little vague and a lot like a new year resolution, but let’s look at 5 steps you can take starting today, towards an eco-friendly lifestyle:

1. Plan ahead for your weekly meals

Planning ahead for your weekly meals is notorious for saving time, money, confusion, and effort. But, did you know this organized way of eating also has benefits when it comes to maintaining an eco-friendly lifestyle? When you create your meal plan, make sure to make a list of the ingredients and amounts needed for every meal. Having a plan for what you’re going to eat throughout the week allows you to hit the aisles of your local grocery store quickly and methodically. Besides, this will drastically reduce food waste as well as the consumption of items such as excessive plastic packaging.

Depending on the amount of time and effort you’d like to put into your meal plan, you can repeat meals throughout the week or have something new every day. While shopping, try to aim for items that are packaged in paper, glass, or other materials that can be reused or recycled. If you’re feeling stuck or unsure of what meals to create for your meal plan, Myplate.gov is a great place to start.

2. Get familiar with what’s inside what you’re buying

Consuming food that is made with mindful ingredients is not only beneficial to your body, but to the Earth as well. Overproduction of ingredients—such as palm oil—can be a major contributor to things such as large-scale deforestation, air pollution, water pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Focusing on foods that are made from ingredients that have been harvested consciously is best. Depending on where you shop, certain packaging may even let you know initially if it has been made to be eco-friendly.

3. Recycling in the kitchen

Recycling is always great! However, it’s important to make sure that you’re recycling correctly. Different states and even different cities and counties tend to have different rules and regulations on what they will or will not allow for recycling. To avoid your recycling being denied, it’s best to brush up on what your area deems acceptable in the recycling bin. If your rules are very specific (such as water bottles are recyclable but not the tops), it might help to print the rules and post them in a visible area near where you sort your recycling. Once you’re familiar with what is trash and what goes in the recycling, it will be a breeze.

4. Dishwasher vs. handwashing dishes

The privilege of having a dishwasher tends to go unmatched. But, did you know you don’t have to always use it? To conserve water, it’s best to handwash dishes when there are only a few. This is best done in the sink, with an eco-friendly soap and by making sure the water is only running when the dish needs to be rinsed, not while scrubbing. Saving the dishwasher for when you have a full, large load of dishes not only saves you time and energy, but also saves gallons of water.

5. Make your favorite preserved fruits and vegetables at home.

DIY hacks are popular for a reason; they work! Oftentimes, just as well as if you were to go to the store and buy the same thing. Food isn’t an exception to this rule. Store bought pickled, canned or preserved goods often are made with excessive amounts of salt, sugar and come in packaging that can’t be reused or recycled. The answer? Make your own. Pickling fruits and vegetables at home is simple, easy and very customizable. Most require little more than a mason jar, water, vinegar, spices and your fruit or veggie of choice. If you’d like to enjoy your pickled goods sooner, there’s also ways to “quick pickle” foods as well.

If this all still sounds overwhelming, remember, you don’t have to start it all at once! After all, every change matter and will certainly influence not only your family’s lifestyle, but also the ones of your close connections. 

Happy, healthy and eco-friendly 2022!


Preserving food: Pickling
