Step back and take a moment to observe your kitchen. You might realize that, like many of us, you are a victim to the convenience of plastic. Although you’re probably aware that single-use plastic is wreaking havoc on our environment, the convenience of these items can be hard to give up. Unfortunately, as the years go by, the harms of single-use plastic are getting harder and harder to ignore. 

Did you know that plastic can take up to 400 years to degrade? Most of the plastic from your kitchen gets lost in the recycling process and ends up in landfill or worse, in the oceans. It is now more important than ever to uphold sustainable practices and take the necessary steps to a plastic-free kitchen. 

When you think of single-plastic, which items do you picture? Plastic water bottles? Plastic bags from the grocery store? The harsh reality is that plastic is present in many more items than we think. It comes in the form of packaging, containers, sponges, brushes and more everyday items that you could find in your kitchen. 

There is an urgent need to change our habits and direct our efforts towards zero-waste and plastic-free kitchens. Thankfully, there are ways to achieve this goal gradually and without the necessity of going “cold turkey” on single-use plastic.  

Keep reading for 10 easy steps to a plastic-free kitchen! These zero-waste swaps are easy to implement and will make a big impact on protecting the future of our precious planet.

10 Easy Steps to a Plastic-Free Kitchen

1. Switch to glass storage containers

In addition to being harmful to the environment, plastic food containers are prone to harboring bacteria. Instead, start reusing the glass jars and bottles that you would normally throw away to store your food! Glass mason jars work perfectly for storing dry goods such as pasta, rice, beans and flour.

Additionally, glass containers work perfectly when storing leftovers. Not only are you taking important steps towards a plastic-free kitchen, but studies show that food tastes better when stored in glass instead of plastic. 

2. Swap your plastic wrap for plastic-free beeswax wrap

 Almost everybody is guilty of having a box of handy cling wrap in their kitchen drawer. But did you know that there’s an easy, eco-friendly alternative to this kitchen staple? 

Cling wrap is easily replaced with plastic-free and environmentally-friendly alternatives like beeswax wrap, which is natural, biodegradable and great for wrapping bowls, bread, sandwiches, etc. Not only are beeswax wraps plastic-free, but they’re also reusable! Simply wash them in warm water after use, let dry and they’re ready to be used again. 

This simple swap could also have a positive impact on your health, since the chemicals in plastic wrap are known to leak into food. 

3. Shop at farmers markets

Shopping at your local farmers market can greatly aid your transition to a plastic-free kitchen. Farmers markets sell fresh and unpackaged fruits and vegetables, unlike many supermarkets nowadays. Many of these products are organic and, since they were grown and sourced locally, they have a much lower carbon footprint than produce from the grocery store.

Don't forget to bring your own reusable bag! 

4. Replace plastic bowls for stainless steel options

Although plastic bowls for cooking and eating aren’t technically single-use, they tend to have a much shorter life. When they are broken or no longer useful, they usually end up in landfill. 

When looking to replace these plastic bowls for eco-friendly alternatives, stainless steel is the best option for your plastic-free kitchen. These bowls are inexpensive, durable, lightweight and easy to clean.

5. Start composting

Most of us are used to throwing our food waste into a trash bin lined with a single-use, plastic garbage bag. Thankfully, there is a more eco-friendly way to dispose of kitchen trash: composting. 

Not only will you cut down on plastic use, but composting also reduces gas emissions and lowers your carbon footprint when the compost is used as a plant fertilizer. If you want to start composting but don’t know where to start, make sure to check out one of our recent blog posts about how to compost in an apartment without worms. For your compost bin, shop My Kitchen & Me’s fantastic corn-made compostable trash bags.

6. Bring your own container when ordering take-away

Planning on ordering food this weekend? Why not plan to bring your own glass container instead of receiving single-use plastic containers and disposable cutlery? Making a habit out of this could significantly reduce your plastic waste and greatly contribute towards your plastic-free kitchen! 

Additionally, consider bringing your own reusable mug when ordering coffee to-go at chains like Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts.

7. Replace paper towels and napkins for cloth alternatives

Unfortunately this switch is not as easy as buying dish towels at your local Bed Bath & Beyond. Many tea towels, napkins and dishcloths are made from plastic fibers and come wrapped in single-use plastic. Reusable cloths from natural fabrics, like these Flower Sack Towels made of 100% cotton, are the way to go if you aim for a plastic-free kitchen. 

8. Switch to eco-friendly brushes and sponges

Ditch the fluorescent yellow synthetic sponge next to your sink! The majority of these disposable kitchen sponges are made of plastic. Considering how often these get replaced, you can imagine the massive amount of non-recyclable trash produced from these products. These plastic sponges also release microplastics down your kitchen drain that are too small to be filtered out by wastewater treatment plants. These microplastics inevitably end up in our lakes and oceans, where they then make their way into the food chain. 

Instead, opt for one of My Kitchen & Me’s Compostable Dish Sponges. These biodegradable kitchen sponges are made of the loofah vegetable’s plant-based fibers, which makes them both eco-friendly and reusable. They are a great substitute to traditional sponges that harm the environment. 

9. Buy in bulk

Buying in bulk can not only help you save money and time, it can also help save the planet.

In America alone, 570 million pounds of non reusable packaging is discarded every day. This number is quite shocking, but we can reduce it by shopping in stores that sell in bulk and allow for reusable bags. Thankfully, bulk stores are getting more and more popular all over the world!

It’s important to keep in mind that, although bulk shopping can reduce plastic use, it can also contribute to food waste if not done correctly. Do your best to shop for only dry foods or non-perishable items in bulk - like rice, pasta, coffee beans, seeds, nuts, flour and cereal. Bulk shopping for things like vegetables, meats and dairies can be problematic if a large portion of the product is thrown away. 

10. Swap your liquid dish soap for a plastic-free option 

Many everyday household products are sold in single-use plastic packaging. Swap out traditional plastic bottles of dishwashing liquid for a zero-waste alternative, like our Meliora Dish Soap for Hand Washing. The sustainable Dish Soap is a great zero-waste option to wash your dirty dishes, pots and pans and contribute towards your plastic-free kitchen. 

As you can see, making the switch from a plastic-heavy kitchen to a sustainable kitchen is not as complicated as it sounds. Start small, focus on a couple of swaps per week and, once you master those, move to the next ones. Don't forget that having a plastic-free kitchen is a process of trial and error. It might take some time to learn which practices work for you and your family! 

Take action and enjoy the journey! And make sure to follow along on Instagram @mykitchenandmeonline for more sustainability tips and ways to live an eco-friendly lifestyle. 


